Comments on: Pawprints on My Soul Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore paint color expert. Home update ideas and budget-friendly advice with today's best paint colors and trends. Mon, 11 Sep 2023 23:47:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: KylieMawdsley Fri, 03 Jan 2020 00:04:48 +0000 In reply to Sylva Leduc.

Oh Sylva, thank you…he was a darned good boy. Almost 5 years now and I still miss him.

By: KylieMawdsley Fri, 03 Jan 2020 00:03:49 +0000 In reply to Bob Weight.

Thanks for your note Bob. I’d never been through it before, and I was surprised at how peaceful the process was, it actually gave me a great memory with him because it was just right. And I agree on the human part too…

By: Bob Weight Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:21:44 +0000 Kylie – Thanks for sharing your personal story – I have had to help about 4 dogs to doggy heaven and it has never been easy. My vet is a good friend and has come over to the house to help me say goodbye. All of my dogs were in my lap then they went – very peacefully. We should be so kind to our humans as we are with our pets.
Bob Weight

By: Sylva Leduc Thu, 02 Jan 2020 04:37:46 +0000 Happy New Year, Kylie!

Thank you so much for your sweet and sad story.
Bowser, you were a good boy, a very good boy.

Hugs, Sylva

By: heather Sun, 14 Jun 2015 08:13:26 +0000 I feel your pain, Kylie, and I share your loss. So sorry to hear about Bowzer. The hubs and I were in the U.S. two weeks ago when we got news from my daughter that one of our three boys, Teddy, had died tragically from snail bait poisoning. We never even knew there was any snail bait on this property, which we moved into in August last year! With all the inevitable backyard jobs to do in the run-up to our departure, we had totally ignored a tiny little garden shed out back, inherited from the previous owners. It was always something we were ‘going to get around to’, but never did. Then the rains hit hard during our absence, flooded this little shed, and leached out this toxic lethal mixture onto the soil behind it. Tragically for us, and for Ted, he developed a taste for it and managed to force his way into the shed to consume even more of the stuff. It transpires that both he and Banjo, another of our boys, ripped into four packages of the bait and spread it around the garden! Cooper didn’t indulge. Ted died and was found lying in the garden, while Banjo and Cooper were rushed to the Vet – Banjo luckily pulled through after enemas, drip, stomach pumping and charcoal. He’s being hailed a ‘miracle’ dog at the Vets! BIG lesson learned. Nothing will ever replace our Teddlebugs. And nothing, sadly, will ever bring him back. So I feel your loss, from the bottom of my heart.

I am curious to know what decisions you made when it came to dealing with Bowzer’s remains. Did you bring him home to bury, or did you have him cremated? Our Vet held onto Ted’s remains while we got our heads around our big loss, but in the end we decided to give him the respect and love we felt he deserved, and had him cremated in our absence. Our plan is to bury his little casket in the back yard and plant an ornamental tree over it, in his memory. He deserves nothing less. I’ve been told that making decisions like these, on the heels of a tragedy such as ours, is one of the hardest things to do. I agree, but the sense of closure from knowing that we did what was best for Ted and for ourselves, brings much comfort to us now that we’re back home.

RIP Bowzer and Teddles. xo

By: Ang Suderman Fri, 12 Jun 2015 18:08:30 +0000 Hi Kylie,
Thank-you kindly for sharing your moving story about you and your soul mate, Bowser:) I initially found your page through google searches as I hunted for paint color inspirations. Thankfully, I stumbled upon your beautiful tribute.
We lost our 11 year old Jack about 15 months ago and it was a deeply painful loss. Jack was by my side as I crossed many milestones from the age of 20 to 30. Ex boyfriends, meeting my now husband, working at a fishing lodge in summers, getting married, lying on my lap while I studied throughout University, moving cross country, exploring the west coast for several years, moving up North for my first nursing job, starting a new business with my husband. Helping me cope with an anxiety disorder and some difficult times with depression. Oh, did I mention, many cheeseburgers? He was with me through it all. That big heart of his and soulful patience never waivered. He showed me what it looks like to live deeply in the moment and most importantly, taught me what it feels like to love and be loved unconditionally.
Losing Jack was extremely painful and still is to this day. Although, the pain is not as raw and slowly, it is becoming easier to find laughter in his memory. The joy that those 10 years together brought to my life are indescribable and worth every tear.
Today, we have 4 rescue dogs and a foster dog who are all unique gifts in our lives and we love each one of them dearly. But something about Jack. We are forever bound!
It was refreshing and encouraging to read about your journey with Bowser. Not everyone is so fortunate to experience that kind of soul mate. I feel privileged and proud to call myself a lucky one. I am encouraged every time I meet someone who just plain understands.:) Congrats for living the good life and experiencing love in such a simple and perfect form! Sending hugs your way. It will get easier. And you will never forget him. As you aptly titled your tribute, his pawprints are on your soul.

By: Debbie Carver Tue, 07 Apr 2015 18:22:13 +0000 Kylie,
Came to your site to pick a paint color for the living room, and found so much more. Before I could click on the articles about grey paint colors, I saw the doggie picture and I was a goner. I just read about your long love affair with Bowser. A million people will probably write you and say that they also held their sweet doggie through those last moments. I am one of them. I also couldn’t – would never – have left Ginger to face her last moments alone with strangers, it had to be us who held her. We tried to extend her life through a fast moving cancer. The most difficult memory that I have is “the moment” that we knew that we were at the end of the road, we couldn’t save her, we couldn’t even keep her here on earth any longer, that this day was THE day. Just like you, Ginger was my “become a grown up” dog. I learned responsibility from her, I am a better person, a better parent because of her. I loved that dog so much that I couldn’t get another one for years. Well, we finally got another one, another funny looking rescue mix just like Ginger was. I call our new doggie Annie Ginger by accident every day, and you know what, I dream about them both, both of them in one dream! Its the closest thing to closure and comfort I’ve experienced. I hope that you won’t do what I did, I waited too long to give my heart to another little friend. I thought I was hollowed out, empty after the wrenching loss of Ginger, and I thought I could (and perhaps should) never invest that much of myself into a dog again. But, the door to the happy go lucky world they live in can be accessed with another tail wagging goof-ball that looks into your eyes like you are all the world to them. And then your soul is home again in a place where you and your new friend and your memories of your old friend can somehow coexist. Thank you for sharing your sweetie with all of us. Hugs to you!

By: Kylie Mawdsley Sun, 22 Mar 2015 17:15:25 +0000 In reply to Pauline.

Oh Pauline, thank you for such a lovely note and I’m sorry to hear about your Freddy. Every day is a bit easier, but darn it, I wish he was still here….And that is cool that you used to live in Yellowpoint – wow Yellowpoint to New York – that’s a culture shock for ya!

I hope time is being kind to you with your Freddy memories, already I’m feeling a load lightening when I think about my Bowser and the good times we had…
Hugs, Kylie

By: Pauline Mon, 16 Mar 2015 02:20:56 +0000 Kylie
I recently started checking into your blog for your valuable insights and impressive knowledge as I am in the process of re-painting my house interior and have really found your blog to be so well written and such a great source of information. If I lived a bit nearer I would have already called you up for a consult for sure !
What is so crazy is that I am a Nanaimo girl myself…..well actually Yellow Point South Cedar area…. but close enough….seeing as I live in NY now….but I thought it was really cool that you are on the island.

However all that aside what brings me to write today is to express my sincere condolences for the loss of your beloved Bowser. You wrote so eloquently and lovingly of your dear friend that it is impossible to not tear up. Grief is physically painful. It hurts so much. Our beloved pets sit right next to, no…on top of our hearts…The weight of them when they are gone is such a heavy load. For you, your family and of course your in-laws who have lost their boy as well….that is a lot of kleenex !
We lost our beloved Freddy a few months ago unexpectedly, and it is still hard to talk past tense. We miss her serene beauty every single day. But she still makes us laugh …remembering her funny antics.
I am touched how you honored your dear friend by sharing such a lovely and moving tribute with the world. By your photos I know you both deserved nothing less.

Love knows not it’s own depth until the hour of separation.” Kahil Gibran

By: Kylie Mawdsley Wed, 11 Mar 2015 19:12:22 +0000 In reply to Nancy McGavin.

Thank you Nancy! It is so hard, isn’t it? And I’m SO glad to hear that your Luci is 6 as I bet she has many more wonderful years to go…I was like you though, even in those young years I’d think of ‘when’ – and couldn’t even fathom the thought. Yes, Bowser is imbedded in my heart and soul…thank you…

By: Kylie Mawdsley Wed, 11 Mar 2015 19:06:12 +0000 In reply to Barb Marshall.

Thank you Barb! It is amazing what these 4 footed friends do to our hearts isn’t it? I think some of us were just meant for each other and when we find that magic it’s almost once in a lifetime…missing my friend…
Thanks for the virtual hugs….Kylie

By: Kylie Mawdsley Wed, 11 Mar 2015 19:05:07 +0000 Thank you so much Maryanne. All of the these kind people reaching out to me has warmed my heart – it’s simply amazing. And yes, you hug those fur babies and give them a good tooshy scratch. May you have many more years of love….

By: Barb Marshall Wed, 11 Mar 2015 15:16:46 +0000 Oh i am sorry Kylie. What a beautiful relationship you had with him.My dogs are my life and I so get that kinda Love And Bond!
Your story made my laugh and cry.
thanks for sharing. Hugs

By: Kylie Mawdsley Wed, 11 Mar 2015 02:33:33 +0000 In reply to Katia.

Hi Katie, your English is lovely, no worries at all! I can tell by your note that I probably don’t need to tell you to give that sweet Tamie some extra loves. 11 is still wonderful and I hope you get many more years from her. Yes, it’s that unconditional love isn’t. We have Henry (our beagle/jack russel) and he’s so independent and I just don’t feel like he needs me. His instincts haven’t kicked in at all while I’m walking around in tears, whereas Bowser would have not left my side…it’s hard. Henry’s lovely, but he’s not Bowser…and thank you for that quote. I actually had to sit and think about it and when I did I loved what it said as you are right, I think Bowser left me knowing that he’d had a simply wonderful life full of love…
Hugs Katie and a good bum scratch for your pooches.

By: Kim Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:49:53 +0000 Am weeping as I read your story. It’s very hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. So sorry for your loss. A.A. Milne put it best, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”. May your memories together sustain you. It sounds like you had a wonderful bond. Take care.

By: Linda Tue, 10 Mar 2015 18:44:32 +0000 Kylie your story hit home 🙁 I had to have my Mimi put down a week ago after 12 years of devoted love and companionship. I still expect her to come greet me when I come home,,,miss her so much.

By: Lucie Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:55:08 +0000 Such a beautiful story Kylie and my heart is heavy and my cheeks are wet. You and Bowzer were so fortunate to have found each other. I share in your grief and am sending you cyber hugs to you and all who loved Bowzer.

By: Katia Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:43:25 +0000 Oh dear Kylie, what a touching story. When I saw the title, I knew what I was going to read and would cry but I read it anyway. Had to stop from time to time to recuperate. I feel for your loss and am deeply sorry. Dogs have that certain effect on people which some of them (people) just don’t comprehend. They really are our best friends. Their unconditional love is so powerful. I have two dogs myself. I don’t have children so in a way they are my babies. Tamie just turned 11 last week and I know I will have to face this terrible loss in a few years and it just break my heart. You have lost a dear friend but you have gain an angel. Thank you for sharing this beautifully written story. Please accept my sincere sympathy and good luck during this difficult time. *When the heart grieves over what is has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left. ~Sufi Epigram

P.S. excuse my English as I am French

By: Nancy McGavin Tue, 10 Mar 2015 14:43:21 +0000 Oh Kylie, I’m so sorry to hear of this. I just mopped my eyes and had a good cry thinking of my lost dogs. My Luci is 6 and I dread the day she will go. You had a special bond with Bowser and he will be always in your heart. Big hugs to you. Nancy

By: West Coast Nan Tue, 10 Mar 2015 14:34:32 +0000 What a lovely tribute to an upstanding dog. I am sure he loved you soooo much, and was glad you were together for life. And what a life, so full of love and good times, cheeseburgers and walks. He will always be in your heart and it will get easier, just not right away. Treasure your memories and when you are ready put that love into another 4 footed fur baby. Or not, sometimes one soul mate in life is enough.

By: JoAnne Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:59:06 +0000 The love of a great dog accents our life, blends with everything, hides flaws, and brings out the best of us ….a dog’s love is like color for the soul. Deepest sympathy.

By: Wendy Preston Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:55:17 +0000 Dear Kylie – I am so sorry for your loss. You may remember you met Jake the black lab when you came to help me with colour choices last fall. He passed away peacefully in my arms a couple of weeks after you came – same thing I think, a stroke. It was one of the hardest decisions I had to make, but we have to let them go and not be selfish. I miss him every day, but we are blessed that our lives were made so much richer by him. My husband always says he prepared us for having kids!
Crying for you right now because I know what you’re going through. Uncle Bowser is playing catch with the angels.
All my best,

By: Kylie Mawdsley Tue, 10 Mar 2015 03:48:14 +0000 In reply to Christy the colorista.

Oh Christy, what a note. Thank you. He really was my soul mate. A hug would be wonderful, even if it’s a virtual one…I can’t even read the last few paragraphs I wrote as it just hurts so much right now. Thank you for writing to me and hug that sweet Kona of yours…
Hugs, Kylie

By: Kylie Mawdsley Tue, 10 Mar 2015 03:46:48 +0000 Thank you Mom. I know you loved him too…even if he did ruin your doorknob, favourite shoes, a loaf of bread, a door and I’m sure a few more things in his bid to be with me 😉

By: Kylie Mawdsley Tue, 10 Mar 2015 03:45:59 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Thank you Michelle. Yes, that’s what I told my daughters. Bowser was with all of our other guardian angels and will be watching over us and taking care of us…yes, I could use a little peace right now with this heavy old chest of mine…thank you.

By: Christy the colorista Tue, 10 Mar 2015 02:13:34 +0000 Kylie,
Oh my word. Words cannot even touch on how my heart feels for your loos right now. At this moment, tears are streaming down my cheeks, that will not stop. My heart aches at the thought of having to say goodbye one day to my own pup, Kona. I read your story, word for word. Your bond with bowser is one that will never be replaced. But instead, will live on in the memories, and now the hearts of all of us reading and crying along with you. God bless your heart. Few people on earth are so lucky to find their dog soul mate like bowser found you. I don’t think thank you is the word I’m trying to find right now. More like a hug is all I have to offer.
Thank you for pouring out your precious and shattered heart on the screens of many monitors to now read and swallow the pain and joy with you.
Ps- tears still flowing

By: Tara Hawes Tue, 10 Mar 2015 01:39:46 +0000 Kylie, my heart is a bit broken reading this, and the tears are streaming down my face clouding my vision so I can hardly type. I know how much you loved Bowser, and I know how much everyone who met Uncle Bowser loved him just as much! He was just an amazing dog, that’s all. Sad for your loss, but so happy you had 15 years with him, and you got to share a bond with him that most will never know.

By: Michelle Tue, 10 Mar 2015 01:39:00 +0000 Dear Kylie,
Bowser is one of your angels; he will always be there for you (my belief). Your story reminds me of a treasured bond & similar experiences with my forever friend, Penny (RIP 9/09). We have been truly blessed. Thank you for sharing.

By: Kylie Mawdsley Mon, 09 Mar 2015 23:44:35 +0000 In reply to Fi.

Oh good, then I’m not the only one! I did love that hairy ole boy.

By: Kim Mon, 09 Mar 2015 21:04:49 +0000 Beautifully written, Kylie. You most definitely brought me to tears. <3

By: Leanne Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:09:34 +0000 I’m so very sorry for loss. The really do leave paw prints on our souls, don’t they? 🙂

By: Fi Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:55:16 +0000 …and now I’m crying my eyes out at work.

By: Jenine Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:29:23 +0000 Oh Kylie, I’m so sorry. This was a hard read, most of it through tears. We lost our old guy in January. Such a hard thing. You did good, I’m sure he thanks you for staying until then end.
